Monday 11 March 2013

Resignation: Sussex & Brighton SWSS

Following yesterday's Special Conference, we the undersigned members of Brighton and Sussex SWSS have decided to resign from the Socialist Workers Party. The experience of recent weeks has been profoundly disheartening to us all and we cannot reconcile those experiences with the fundamental tenets of women's liberation (feminism). We do not make light of this decision however we cannot continue as members in good conscience. We extend our solidarity to all those comrades that continue to defend the best of our tradition in the organisation and reaffirm our commitment to the cause of international socialism -fighting capitalist oppression in all its shapes and forms. We will continue to be active on our campuses and in our community, building campaigns alongside our comrades inside the SWP and elsewhere in the movement.

Sussex University & Brighton University SWSS
Alaina B
Chris B
Hannah E
Ian L
Jess F
Martyn C
Lewis P
Mike r
Nick W


  1. Especially as someone living in Brighton, & a former Sussex Uni. student, I'm gladdened by your opposition to all the sick, unhealthy things in the SWP. I know everyone has their limits, it's just that I'm concerned that as the final IDOOP circular put it, "If comrades leave the Party in dribs and drabs" there may be 2 highly deleterious effects: those outside may find themselves not as effective as they hoped; those who stay become so weakened the SWP will not be reformable.

    I understand why you have left, after everything that has happened. I just wanted to draw attention to the warning by the Faction Cttee.

    Lest I not be misunderstood, I have always said IDOOP was wrong to refuse to support the Facebook Four. In doing so IDOOP lived a contradiction it should never have created for itself.

    I have also just joined the IS Network; since December I have made quite a few lengthy comments at 'Socialist Unity' on the crisis in the Party.
